Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nub Cameroon 358

This little slice of heaven is the Nub Cameroon 358.  The last of my Nub sampler that I got from CI.  It has a nice looking medium brown wrapper with tight seams.  Pre-light smell is a sweet barnyard like aroma.

Cutting/lighting: punch cut and even though it is as fat as one of Rex Ryan's fingers, it lit up without a prob.  First tastes are a nice sweet smooth tobacco with a slight leather flavor.  Draw is a little tight but producing lots of nice smoke.

First 1/3: you can taste and feel the oil that this little dude is leaving in my mouth.  I taste a smooth leather and maybe a little spice on the finish, which is nice and long.  Strength is mild to medium at this point for me.

Second 1/3: Little bit more of the spice flavor coming through.  Still with the oily finish.  Strength is a solid medium.  Lots of creamy smoke that coats the mouth.

Final 1/3: Not sure what happened to my picture, but I smoke this thing til I couldn't hold it anymore.  Leather flavor was pretty much gone and a nutty spice was predominate.   Finished up around an hour and 15 mins. 

Overall: Again, and I have said this with all the Nub sticks, if you can make a smoke this good, make it a regular size.  All were great but I guess I'm use to holding a bigger stick in my hand (rimshot!)

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