Sunday, December 9, 2012

Padilla Achilles Corojo Edicion Especial 2006 Salomon

This guy is my first Padilla and salomon.  I was kinda excited to try it being that I never had this brand or shape before.  But as the Chines proverb says, "Be careful what you wish for."

Appearance: Kinda of a cool rustic looking shape.  I don't know the history behind it but it looks like something a Cuba fisherman would lit up after a long day.  No issues with it's wrapper.  I did, however, not like the band.  It looks like a poster from a 1970's bowling alley.
Score: 18/20

Construction:  Again, no big flaws.  Feels nice in my hand, no soft spots.  Cut nicely.  Burn line was sharp and the draw was near perfect.
Score: 19/20

Flavor: Cough/choke/cough...Jesus, what did they put in this thing?  It was almost as bad as that shitty Te Amo I had a few weeks back.  Nothing but bitter tasting dry tobacco flavor.  It tasted like I was eating a cigarette.
Score: 0/20

Ash/Smoke: No issues with these.  Ash was nice and stuck for about 1/3 of the stick.  Unfortunately, the smoke delivered that ashtray taste with every puff.  I could;t take it anymore and threw it away after this last pic.
Score: 10/20

Cost/Value: I looked online to find the price of these things since this one was a gift but I could't find it anywhere.  Doesn't matter, could;t pay my to smoke another one of these things.
Score: 0/20

Overall: 47
Shitballs, that was horrendous. I see reviews of Padillas online and some people like them.  Personally, I rather be kicked in the balls than smoke another one of these monster.  Please excuse me while I go gargle gasoline to get this taste out of my mouth.

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